(408) 835-5911 hello@maxrhymes.com

Teaming with Texas A&M Aggie Educator Network

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Max Rhymes partners with the Aggie Educator Network of Texas A&M University to bring our programs to school districts in Texas!

Character Building is a necessity for children to thrive.

And good character traits comes from values like personal responsibility, gratitude, & manners which are all taught in Max Rhymes.

Betsy Carpenter, Class of ’72, Texas A&M, Chair of Max Rhymes Texas Chapter

When Aggies see a need, their energy and their selflessness draw others into the cause, and good things happen.

Joe B. Foster, Class of ’56, Texas A&M

Our boots on the ground in Texas are working hard to bring Max Rhymes to key school districts across the state.

The Max Rhymes series not only helps children expand their vocabulary, but also serves as a catalyst for engaging families in the learning process.

Rodrick S. Lucero, Ph.D.
President/CEO, The National Center for Clinical Practice in Educator Preparation

Support from The National Center for Clinical Practice in Educator Preparation

Don’t take our word for it! The president of a national educator preparation firm has enthusiastically supported our books’ teaching method as well as our foundation’s give away of hundreds of thousands of our books.

“…it is my belief that they will bring joy into a child’s life, engage them further with their family, and therefore they have a place in the hands of every child.”

Join Dr. Lucero in bringing Max Rhymes to Kindergarten classrooms across Texas!


Lucero Letter

The values conveyed through these books help young children cultivate essential qualities such as kindness, responsibility, and empathy, laying the groundwork for them to grow into well-rounded, conscientious individuals.

Rodrick S. Lucero, Ph.D.
President/CEO, The National Center for Clinical Practice in Educator Preparation

Help Max Rhymes and the Aggie Educator Network of Texas A&M transform Kindergarteners' lives in Texas!

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